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Side by Side: Guiding Principle in Achieving SDGs
Academy: Taking a Principles-based Approach to the Global Goals
"Sustainability - From Buzzword to Guiding Principle" | Berlin Talks
Priorities for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
Sustainable development and water: cross-sectoral, transboundary&multi-level governance arrangements
Development as a Right: Unpacking Principles and Practices — Surya Deva
A Roadmap for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Tourism and the SDGs - Accelerating the 2030 Agenda (HLPF Side Event)
UNSC53: Engaging citizens in monitoring and reporting on the SDGs
BHR Webinar 2 | Intro to UN Guiding Principles on BHR & SDGs | SURYA DEVA | 2020
NUS Cities Lecture Series: Urban Planning Principles to Deliver the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Climate Education and SDGs: Consensus Building on Guiding Principles for Transformative Education